Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2013


The one who always makes me smile.
While I'm going to work by bus, the snow is silently falling. tiny little flakes are dancing next to my window. It soothes me. The dices have now been rolled. I should be glad... because this makes it easier for me or it should be but it isn't. I'll just keep my head high as always. Proud little thing. Proud little stupid girl. Devastaded. That's what the title of this post should be. So many promises and none kept. All just dreams and empty words. There are only three things left that I want. One is to turn back time, two to get what my heart wants and three - just the truth.
I hope work is going to distract me. Next week is my last week in the office. On one hand happy - on the other devastated... because it means I have to look for another job. At least I might have off tomorrow and if so I'll go out with the girls. 

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